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Welcome to the Spiritual to Conscious Book Club. 

The purpose of this sisterhood is to take ourselves into a higher vibe through the recognition of our connection to creation.  This isn't about attracting what you want in your life, so much as recognizing that God IS abundance, that you are a part of the God-ness that is in everything and that if you are not living to your highest potential and in a state of unlimited abundance, then you are blocking the flow. Your job then is to unblock that flow and this group is to support you to get there. 


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What do I mean by Spiritual to Conscious?


The Awakening is the purpose. The Awakening of the fact that, in essence, we are light, we are love, each cell of our body, each cell and molecule of everything. The power source that runs all life is light, so to Awaken to that knowledge and to desire, to operate in that realm, and to believe that is is possible, are all factors that will put you there. 

                                                                                     -Dolores Cannon.


When I look up the definition of the word conscious, it says, "Aware of and responding to one's surroundings. Awake."

I like this definition and at the same time, I think context is important. What are our true surroundings? Awake to what? 

If you are here, then you already know that our true surroundings, go well beyond our senses. In fact, that is the most important part-the invisible that is our surroundings. 

Also, if you are here, it's likely that you, in your heart, know that life can be easier than it has been for you. That there is an easier way beyond all of the hard work and effort that is required to move the material in this third density landscape. Your heart knows this, and it also hasn't quite reached the stage where it feels easy or where you are really tuned in to the consciousness of your surroundings to make it flow. This course is designed to help you get there. To that lovely place of ease and grace where your next step is presented to you, and when you take that one, the next step is presented, and each one leads to a life beyond your wildest dreams. To be guided every step of your way, with a sense of ease, grace, abundance and energy and inspiration. Can you imagine?
If you are here it's likely  because you have grown spiritually over the years, have had some successes, yet either struggle in one particular area of your life and just can't find that flow. Or you are ready to step up to your next level. If you are like me, life has felt like too much hard work for much too long and there is something telling you that there is a much easier way. There could be something in your heart that always knew you were meant to step into a bigger role than you currently are playing, or maybe you read something that I said that called to you and here you are. No matter which it is, please know you are welcome. I'm glad you're here.
And, no matter which reason is yours, there is something you came for that needs a little adjusting or reprogramming for you to get to the next level, or else you wouldn't have been led here. Unless we are fully in a place of connection to the all, there will always be room for growth and your way will show up for you. You can trust that. 

Ultimately, the goal is to Awaken, as Dolores says above. But in the meantime, we can set ourselves up to live the happy dream, as A Course in Miracles calls it. And the more we can step into that dream, the more we shift ourselves in readiness to Awaken. 


I know I haven't really answered the "What does spiritual to conscious really mean?" question. Here is the best way I know to make it clear: 

If you are reading this, you are likely straddling both worlds. You probably have some sense of who you really are beyond your person and personality, but don't fully trust it or know how to tap into it yet. In the spiritual, we talk about healing. In consciousness, there is no need for healing, it's more about awakening to who you really are and trusting that. In spirituality, you still hang out in the world of having to forgive others for the things they have done to you or you are still trying to forgive yourself of all of your past mistakes that come with feelings of guilt and shame. When you are conscious, you see yourself and other people as God expressing themselves. In spirituality, you see life happening to you and you need to work through your triggers accordingly. In consciousness, it's happening FOR you and life feels like a delightful playground. 


The good news is that I am a registered transpersonal (beyond the personal) therapist and trained ACIM (A Course In Miracles) minister, so, given my experience with working with people,  I understand that we still need to do some work in the world of the spiritual to be able to trust our awakening into consciousness. We still need some tools to help us to straddle both worlds until we are fully ready to embrace a life that transcends the spiritual. 


What this requires is some attention to your state and some attention to adjusting your state if it's out of alignment with the flow. The question to always be asking is-"Am I in a state of peace, or not?" Even a vague state of numbness,  frustration, or just not feeling present is NOT peace. It doesn't feel horrible, but it's still not peace. And, to be in the flow, you have to be at least in a state of peace. So, consciousness, at the very least requires you to be aware of your state. From there, we can start to take your state into a whole new world of transcendence where you are following your guidance. 


In the book club, you will have a new segment released each month. It will have a new book to read that month, a teaching from me, which look a little like what you have just read, and a simple practice that you can do each month that will start to raise your vibe. We will start at the with more spiritual practices to give you some tools to make sure you are always getting back to a state of peace. Then we  evolve into  sections that will start to take you into the transcendence consciousness and we will read the appropriate books at each stage.  And, last, but likely most importantly, you will be included in an interactive community of women who have a high vibration at their core. You can't help but raise your own vibe as you become a part of something than you know yourself to be. There will be interactive questions and thought provoking ideas that will be catalysts for your own evolution from spiritual to conscious. 


Personally, I am on this journey with you. I still use the get back to peace tools. I'm not fully cooked yet. And, I'm noticing that I am using the "getting back to peace" tools less and less and am spending more time each day with the tools and books of transcendence and trusting that I am connected fully to source and guidance at all times. And, the more I feel it, the more time I want to spend at it as it just feels ridiculously good. 


And in this, I hope to debunk the whole "spiritual" idea of asking for what you want in full detail and having it eventually come to you. Consciousness is about surrendering all desires, needs and wishes to the I AM. To start to grasp that you can live a life BEYOND your wildest dreams. Beyond anything you can think of. It's when our need for control gets in our way, the house, the car, the soulmate, the money, that we think we know what's in our best interests. Something outside of ourselves will be THE thing to fix our lives. Yet, we will address those topics: wealth, relationships, purpose, having the life of your dreams. Yet, the more you can get out of your own way and surrender it all, and just keep getting back into the flow, the more it all just comes.  That is your job. Become aware of your state, always get back to peace ASAP and then start to transcend who you think you are. That is what I mean by spiritual to conscious and that is how we will all create heaven on earth together. 

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